Economic heterodoxy has taken positions all around mainstream economics’ neoclassical core. Its squadrons operate independently in their efforts to become the focus of economic thought; and they would likely be as hostile to any successful assault team from the periphery as they are to the ideas now constituting the center of material philosophy.
SFEcon offers no defense against heterodox economists insisting that the elucidation of value is satisfactorily explained within some microeconomic perspective. We grant that they might be correct; and only offer an independently formulated macroeconomics with which to contrast their findings.
The Keynesians, however, demand rebuttal because they have established several points of fact that, if true, would preclude any possibility of successful postulations along the lines of SFEcon. We presume to revisit certain elementary findings of Keynes’ acolytes on the premise that Keynesians might not have been properly prepared for the dynamic analyses they sought to apply.
But, alas, we discover that economic heterodoxy has found the favor of true system dynamicists, who insist that it is we who must give way.