Allow us to speculate that ‘science’ has become the touchstone of truth because of its conspicuous effectiveness in transforming the material world to our advantage. Whatever has the demonstrated power to focus the talents of capable people into vast projects of lasting benefit will naturally acquire a great credibility. And, once acquired, this credit will be presumed upon by interests having nothing to do with dispassionate inquiries as to what quantitative metaphors best capture material reality.

Specifically Western science has been so successful that it now connotes all that is meant by the word ‘science’; and it stands in contrast to the purely philosophical styles of speculation that preceded it. The social sciences abuse ‘science’ by claiming it for what would be more properly labeled as species of rhetoric, applications of statistical inference, and what are often no more than arbitrary and self-serving dicta.

As we have endeavored to reveal, economic science instantiates the unfettered exercise of rational faculties that constituted all there was of science until Europe fettered reason with the obligation to produce objective demonstrata. Though perilous, it is impossible not to be aware that the social sciences are today more of a Jewish preserve than was even the old Bolshevik Party; and their Rabbinical style is most of what is relict in the West of pre-Western analytic praxis.

Such regrettable terms of argument are thrust upon uneducable goyim by, for example, this depiction of Mises giving his enthusiastic thumbs-up to a finding that SFEcon’s author is a Hitlerian. ‘Hit’ and ‘ler’ being literally the first two syllables in Austria's response to indicia of a solved Vienna problem, we acknowledge receipt of the ultimate declination to entertain evidence, Godwin's Law.

That being the case, it remains only to inquire as who sets these terms of argument, and to what purpose?